카자흐스탄 자금세탁방지청이 총 7,540만 달러의 불법 암호화폐 거래를 차단했습니다.#} 8월 9일 크립토뉴스에 따르면 카자흐스탄 자금세탁방지청
On August 9, according to CryptoNews, Kazakhstan's anti-money laundering agency said it has blocked illegal crypto transactions totaling $75.40 million and confirmed 18 criminal cases related to illegal crypto transactions and mining. In 2024, Kazakhstan's courts have handed down six judgments in such cases and confiscated assets worth a total of $2.51 million. In addition, the country also strictly regulates crypto exchanges and mining activities. Crypto exchanges that do not obtain official licenses and mining equipment that does not complete the licensing process will face legal sanctions.