하마스 고위 관리는 이스라엘이 군 수장을 살해했다는 주장을 반박합니다.#} 현지시간 8월 15일 팔레스타인 이슬람 저항운동(하마스)의 고위 관리
On August 15 local time, according to Osama Hamdan, a senior official of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Mohammed Dave, the head of Hamas's military wing, is "fine". Previously, Israel claimed to have killed him in an airstrike on July 13 this year. This is the first time a senior Hamas official has refuted Israel's claim. Osama Hamdan said that Hamas believes that Israel's claim that Dave was the target of its July airstrike is "to justify the massacre of the day".