텔레그램 창시자 듀로프가 체포된 날, 그는 에마뉘엘 마크롱 프랑스 대통령과 만찬을 가질 계획이었다.#} 프랑스 신문 Canard Chain de
According to sources in the French newspaper Canard Chain de l'Elysée, Telegram founder Durov told police that he was supposed to have dinner with French President Emmanuel Macron on the day of his arrest.
Paris officials denied the news. Florian Philippot, a French politician, cast doubt on Macron's claims and said on social media X that it was entirely possible for the president to carry out such deception to complete "the master's task". He also demanded an explanation from Macron.
Previously, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia's request for Durov's visit to France was under review.