WSJ: 텔레그램은 수년 동안 법 집행 소환장을 무시했고 마크롱은 듀로프에게 프랑스 시민권을 부여하는 것을 고려했습니다.#} Pavel Duro
According to a person close to Pavel Durov, the company has been ignoring subpoenas and court orders from law enforcement for years, which have been piled up in a rarely viewed company email address.
In addition, at a 2018 lunch, Macron invited Pavel Durov to move Telegram to Paris, according to people familiar with the matter. But Durov refused at the time, and Macron even discussed granting Pavel Durov French citizenship.
In 2017, French spies in a joint operation with the United Arab Emirates targeted Pavel Durov and hacked into his iPhone, according to people familiar with the matter. (The Wall Street Journal)