브라질 대법원은 머스크가 8월 29일까지 브라질에서 X의 영업을 중단한다고 위협했습니다.#} 8월 30일, 코인텔레그래프에 따르면, 브라질 대법
On August 30, according to Cointelegraph, Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandrede Moraes said that if Elon Musk does not appoint a legal contact to represent X's business in Brazil, the company's X social media platform will be suspended in Brazil until August 29, 2024. Two weeks ago, X said that Supreme Court Justice Alexandrede Moraes threatened to arrest its legal representative in Brazil. In response, X platform announced on August 17 that it would close its business in Brazil, but the social media service will continue to be open to all Brazilian users.
Earlier this year, Mr. Musk is understood to have said that Mr. Morais had taken "illegal" and covert steps to force it to censor content on X, which Mr. Morais claimed allowed the spread of "misinformation" about the Brazilian government on social media sites.