중국 해안경비대 대변인은 필리핀 선박 9701호가 중국 해안경비대 선박 5205호에 고의로 충돌한 것에 대해 성명을 발표했다.#} 8월 31일
On August 31st, Liu Dejun, a spokesperson for the Chinese Coast Guard, said that at 12:06 on August 31st, Philippine ship No. 9701 deliberately rammed into China's normal rights protection and law enforcement ship No. 5205 in an unprofessional and dangerous manner, resulting in a collision. The responsibility lies entirely with the Philippine side. We once again urge the Philippine side to face up to reality, give up illusions, and immediately withdraw by itself is the only correct way. Do not misjudge the situation, create hot spots, and escalate the situation, otherwise all the consequences will be borne by the Philippine side.