억만장자 마이클 델이 비트코인 커뮤니티에서 논쟁을 재점화했습니다.#} 최근 거대 기술 기업 마이클 델의 소셜 미디어 농담이 비트코인 커뮤니티에
A recent joke on social media by tech giant Michael Dell has reignited widespread interest in the Bitcoin community. In response to a user, Mr. Dell mentioned "enjoy Bitcoin", prompting speculation about whether he had any further interest in the currency. Mr. Dell had previously mentioned Bitcoin in a humorous manner on social media several times. In July, he called it "funny" and posted a hilarious image of Cookie Monster eating it. Although Mr. Dell opened up Bitcoin payments in 2014, the project was eventually terminated due to a lack of demand.