경제학자들은 트럼프의 대통령직이 연간 0.7%포인트의 인플레이션 증가로 이어질 것으로 전망하고 있다.#} 피터슨 국제경제연구소 보고서에 따르면
According to the Peterson Institute for International Economics report, if the tariffs mentioned during the Trump campaign are implemented, it will exacerbate the distortions and burdens caused by the tariffs imposed in the first term of the Trump administration (and maintained by the Biden administration), and cause significant collateral damage to the US economy. "If Trump raises tariffs as proposed, the economy is likely to fall into recession very quickly," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's, adding that this also includes likely retaliatory measures by other countries. Zandi forecasts that inflation will rise by 0.7 percentage points in the year after the tariffs are implemented.