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리창 총리는 사우디 방문을 마무리하고 외교부는 이번 방문을 소개했다.#} 9월 12일, 마오닝 외교부 대변인은 정례 기자회견을 주재했습니다. 마

On September 12, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference. Mao Ning introduced that during his visit, Premier Li held talks with Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Mohammed and co-chaired the fourth meeting of the China-Saudi High-level Joint Committee. Premier Li also held talks with representatives of Saudi Arabia's business community. Premier Li Qiang said that China places the development of relations with Saudi Arabia as a priority in China's overall diplomacy, especially in the Middle East. The two sides should further expand the scale of bilateral trade, encourage domestic enterprises to invest and start businesses in each other's countries, and jointly maintain the stability of the global production and supply chain. The two sides should well hold the "2025 China-Saudi Cultural Year" activities, promote people-to-people exchanges and cooperation, and continuously enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples. During his stay in Saudi Arabia, Premier Li Qiang also met with Bhutawi, Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Premier Li said that China is willing to strengthen policy coordination with the GCC through the China-Sea Strategic Dialogue and other mechanisms, and support regional countries to resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, so as to achieve lasting good-neighborliness and friendship.