• 34ºc, Sunny

아르헨티나의 9월 18일 주말 콩 판매량은 총 683,400톤입니다.#}골드텐 퓨처스 9월 25일 외신 보도에 따르면 아르헨티나 농림축산식품부

Gold Ten Futures September 25th news, according to foreign media reports, according to the data released by the Argentine State Secretary of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, as of September 18th week, Argentine farmers sold 592,500 tons of 23/24 soybeans, making the cumulative sales reached 2842.78 million tons. That week, local oil plants purchased 462,500 tons, and the export industry purchased 130,000 tons. In addition, Argentine farmers sold 76,300 tons of 24/25 soybeans, making the cumulative sales reach 934,000 tons. That week, local oil plants purchased 73,200 tons, and the export industry purchased 3,100 tons. All annual soybean sales in the week totaled 683,400 tons, making the cumulative sales reach 50.448 million tons. As of September 18, the cumulative export sales registration of soybeans in the 23/24 year was 4.463 million tons, and the cumulative export sales registration of soybeans in the 24/25 year was 0 tons.