• 34ºc, Sunny

많은 연방준비제도이사회 관계자들이 오늘 밤 연설을 할 것입니다.#} 파월, 콜린스, 쿠글러, 보우먼, 윌리엄스, 바, 쿡을 포함한 많은 연방준비

A number of Federal Reserve officials including Powell, Collins, Kugler, Bowman, Williams, Barr and Cook will speak one after another tonight. Previously, the Federal Reserve started the interest rate cut cycle with 50BP, and the market continued to price the remaining interest rate cuts this year. As the first week after the Federal Reserve meeting, the remarks of officials tonight may clear the market a thing or two. Investors are advised to pay attention to the relevant risks when the market may fluctuate violently. (Golden Ten)