• 34ºc, Sunny

유럽중앙은행 총재는 미국 선거 당선자들에게 무역에 해를 끼치지 않도록 조심하라고 경고했습니다.#} 크리스틴 라가르드 유럽중앙은행 총재는 미국 선

The president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, once again defended the benefits of free trade, saying whoever wins the US election should be careful not to harm global trade. Asked at an event at the Atlantic Council on Wednesday about the prospect of tariffs rising, Ms Lagarde said history showed the damage such measures could do. "Times of restrictions and barriers are not times of prosperity and great leadership around the world, so I think whoever ends up being the president of this country should at least remember that," Ms Lagarde said. "Because we have a big market, I think it's a bit of a stretch to conclude that the domestic economy will be better just because we will raise tariffs."