헤즈볼라: 이스라엘 군대가 전면적인 공격을 하면 헤즈볼라는 이스라엘 영토 전체를 공격할 것입니다.#} 현지시간 19일 레바논 헤즈볼라 지도자 나
On June 20th, local time on the 19th, Lebanese Hezbollah leader Nasrallah said in a speech that Hezbollah was ready for the "worst case scenario". He said that if the Israeli army launched a full-scale war against Lebanon, Hezbollah's fighting would "no longer have any rules or red lines". At that time, the whole territory of Israel will be targeted by Hezbollah's armed forces. Nasrallah also stressed that Hezbollah will continue to support the people of the Gaza Strip and demand a complete and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.