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라보뱅크는 브라질의 대두 생산량이 사상 최대인 1억6700만 톤에 이를 것으로 예상하고 있다.#}골드텐 퓨처스 10월 31일 외신 보도에 따르면

Gold Ten Futures, October 31, according to foreign media reports, Rabobank estimates that the area planted with soybeans in Brazil in 2024/25 is expected to increase by 1.5% from the previous year to 47 million hectares, indicating that the growth rate is slower than in recent years due to "shrinking profits". Taking into account the yield trend line, < b > Brazil's harvest may reach a record 167 million tons . Despite observing "significant delays" during soybean planting, Rabobank did not lower its harvest expectations "because there is no correlation between planting delays and the expected decrease in field yields." Brazil's corn production in 2024/25 is expected to be 125 million tons, an increase of 3 million tons from the previous year, and the delayed soybean harvest may lead to a reduction in the area allocated to the second crop of corn planted after harvest. Taking into account the long-term drought in the sugarcane fields of São Paulo, Brazil's main producing state, < b > is expected to produce 580 million tons of sugarcane in the south-central region of Brazil in 2025 , down from 600 million tons this year.