• 34ºc, Sunny

미국 언론에 따르면 선거 후 기록적인 수의 부자들이 미국을 떠날 수 있다고 한다.#} 기록적인 수의 부유한 미국인들이 불안에 대한 두려움 때문에

A record number of wealthy Americans plan to leave the United States indefinitely after the presidential election due to fears of unrest, Consumer News & Business Channel reported, citing experts in the field of immigration. Immigration lawyers said a growing number of wealthy Americans plan to leave the United States in the run-up to the November 5 election, as many fear political and social unrest regardless of who wins, the report said. Lawyers and consultants for high-income families have found record growth in demand from clients seeking a second passport or long-term residency overseas.