1년 동안 OM을 보유하고 있는 평균 가격이 0.025달러인 고래가 판매되기 시작했으며 변동 이익은 653만 달러 이상입니다.#} Onchain
According to Onchain Lens monitoring, a whale extracted 1.48 million OM from Binance a year ago. At that time, the value was only 38,200 US dollars, and the average purchase price was 0.025 US dollars. A year later, the whale made a profit of 6.53 million US dollars in OM.
Two hours ago, the whale deposited and sold 300,000 OMs to Binance for a total value of $1.32 million, with an average sale price of $4.40. OMs are currently trading at around $4.35, and the whale still holds 1.18 million OMs worth $5.20 million.