• 34ºc, Sunny

윤석엽 탄핵안 표결을 위한 국회 본회의가 열렸다.#} 12월 7일 현지시간 7일 17시 한국 국회 본회의가 열려 인시위에 대통령 탄핵사건과 인시

On December 7th, at 17:00 local time on the 7th, the plenary session of the South Korean National Assembly was held and will vote on the impeachment case of President Yin Xiyue and the "Kim Jianxi Special Prosecutorial Law" involving Mrs. Yin Xiyue. The plenary session of the South Korean National Assembly will first vote on the "Kim Jianxi Special Prosecutorial Law". According to relevant people in the National Assembly, there will be no relevant discussions before the vote, and a vote will be taken directly.