• 34ºc, Sunny

유럽중앙은행은 유로존의 세 가지 기준금리 인하를 발표했다.#} 현지시간 12일 유럽중앙은행은 독일 프랑크푸르트 본사에서 통화정책회의를 열고 3개

On the 12th local time, the European Central Bank held a monetary policy meeting at its headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany, and decided to cut all three key interest rates by 25 basis points. This is also the fourth interest rate cut this year after the European Central Bank announced interest rate cuts in June this year. According to the latest interest rate decision announced by the European Central Bank, the deposit mechanism rate was reduced to 3.0%, the main refinancing rate was reduced to 3.15%, and the marginal lending rate was reduced to 3.40%.