러시아 언론은 쿠르스크 주가 우크라이나 미사일의 공격을 받아 5명이 사망하고 26명이 부상했다고 전했다.#} 현지시간 20일 러시아 '매쉬' 뉴
On December 20th, local time on the 20th, according to the Russian "Mash" news website, the Ukrainian armed forces used a number of missiles equipped with cluster warheads to attack the town of Ralsk in Kursk Oblast, Russia, which has killed 5 people and injured 26 others. According to Russian Red Star TV, the attack killed at least one person and injured 25 others. Kursk Oblast Governor Shin Instein posted a video on social media saying that the Ukrainian army deliberately launched missile attacks on civilian facilities in the state, and rescue workers have rushed to the scene to treat the injured people.