100억 증권의 민간 배치 수는 80개로 줄었고, 10개의 민간 배치는 100억 캠프에서 일시적으로 철수했습니다.#} 2월 12일 뉴스, 민간
February 12th news, private placement network data show that as of January 31st, the current number of 10 billion securities private placement was 80, compared with 89 at the end of 2024, a decrease of 9, including Shanghai Baoyin Private Equity, Pansong Asset, Gefenobao, Yuanxin Investment, Zhanhong Investment, Shanghai Polk Private Equity, Kuanyuan Asset, Banxia Investment, Rongkui Investment, and Guoshou City Development Industry Investment. 10 private placements temporarily withdrew from the 10 billion camp, and Hainan Turing Private Equity became a new 10 billion private placement.