이 문제에 정통한 소식통에 따르면 미국과 우크라이나는 광산 계약을 체결할 계획이며, 트럼프는 오늘 이를 발표할 예정입니다.#} 3월 5일, 로이
On March 5, according to Reuters, four people familiar with the matter said that the Trump administration and Ukraine plan to sign a minerals deal at an Oval Office meeting on Friday. Trump has told his advisers that he hopes to announce the deal when he addresses Congress on Tuesday night. Despite last week's spat, U.S. officials have spoken with Ukrainian officials in recent days about signing the minerals deal, one of the people said. It is unclear whether the agreement has changed. The deal, originally scheduled to be signed last week, did not include explicit security guarantees for Ukraine, but allowed the United States to receive revenue from Ukraine's natural resources. The agreement also envisages the Ukrainian government donating 50% of the future monetization of all state-owned natural resources to a reconstruction investment fund managed by the United States and Ukraine.