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미국 당국은 구금될 채굴기 중 일부를 공개했으며 업계 소식통에 따르면 여전히 많은 수의 장비가 좌초되어 있다고 합니다.#} 업계 소식통에 따르면

US authorities have recently begun releasing some of the previously seized Chinese-made cryptocurrency miners after industry sources revealed that up to 10,000 miners had been stranded at various ports of entry in the US. Taras Kulyk, CEO of Synteq Digital, said that thousands of devices have been released so far, but he said that some US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials have made things difficult for the crypto industry, leading to serious difficulties for miners. Although some of the mining rigs have been released, Luxor Technology chief operating officer Ethan Vera said most of the equipment is still in custody. He also revealed that the US has expressed concerns about the radio frequency emissions of mining rigs, but the industry generally believes that these allegations are baseless.