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영국 국립범죄청 관계자가 2017년 50비트코인을 훔친 혐의로 기소됐다.#} 영국 경찰과 검찰은 국가범죄수사국(NCA) 경찰관이 온라인 조직범죄

British police and prosecutors say a National Crime Investigation Agency (NCA) officer has been charged with stealing nearly 60,000 pounds of bitcoin during an investigation into online organised crime, British media outlet Sky News reported. A spokesperson for Merseyside Police said 42-year-old Paul Chowles was charged with 15 counts in connection with the alleged theft of 50 bitcoins in 2017. Eight years ago, the cryptocurrencies were worth close to £60,000, while now they are worth more than £3 million. Chowles is due to appear at Liverpool Magistrates Court next month.