• 34ºc, Sunny

켄터키 상원은 비트코인 자가 양육권과 디지털 자산 채굴을 보호하기 위한 법안을 만장일치로 통과시켰습니다.#} 비트코인 매거진에 따르면 켄터키 주

According to Bitcoin Magazine, the US Senate of Kentucky has passed a bill to protect bitcoin self-custody rights and digital asset mining by a unanimous vote of 37-0. The bill, titled "AN ACT relating to blockchain digital assets" (HB 701), has now been sent to the governor's office for final approval. The bill, introduced by representatives Adam Bowling and T.J. Roberts, affirms the right of individuals to self-custody digital assets through self-custodial wallets. In addition, the bill also prevents local zoning laws from discriminating against digital asset mining companies and ensures that bitcoin miners can operate freely within the state.