공개된 세관: "세관은 수입 석탄에 대한 검사를 지연시킬 것입니다"#} 3월 16일 '세관이 공개한' 관세청 공식 웨이보 계정에 따르면 최근 일
On March 16, according to the official Weibo account of the General Office of Customs "released by the customs", recently, some online platforms spread that "the customs will delay the inspection of imported coal from April 1, which may lead to an extension of the customs clearance time and a further increase in the possibility of reducing the import volume". The relevant information aroused the attention and discussion of the industry. After confirmation by the customs, this information is not true. All enterprises and relevant parties are reminded not to believe and spread unconfirmed news, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles and losses.