BSC의 DEX 24시간 거래량은 26억1000만 달러, 자금 순유입액은 2810만 달러(약 1조7000억 원)였다.#} 3월 22일 DeFiL
On March 22nd, according to DeFiLlama data, BNB Chain (BSC) TVL broke through 7 billion US dollars and is now reported at 7.06 billion US dollars. In the past 24 hours, the DEX transaction volume on BSC reached 2.61 billion US dollars, the leveraged contract transaction volume reached 93.47 million US dollars, the net inflow of funds reached 28.10 million US dollars, and the active address reached 1.21 million. In addition, the agreement that generated the most fees on BSC in the past 24 hours was PancakeSwap, with fees reaching 6.15 million US dollars and agreement revenue reaching 1.38 million US dollars. ranked second, with fees reaching 822,000 US dollars and agreement revenue reaching 788,000 US dollars.