엘리자베스 워런 미국 하원의원이 FTX와 트럼프의 암호화폐와의 연관성에 대해 폴 앳킨스 SEC 의장 후보자를 압박했다.#}엘리자베스 워런 미국
US Senator Elizabeth Warren sent a 34-page letter to SEC chair nominee Paul Atkins, focusing on its ties to the failed crypto trading platform FTX and the potential conflicts of interest posed by Trump's issue of Memecoin. In the letter, Warren pointed out that Patomak Global Partners, a consulting firm founded by Atkins, advised FTX in 2022 and has clients in banks, crypto exchanges, and DeFi platforms. He himself joined the advisory board of The Digital Chamber, a blockchain industry association, in 2020. Warren questioned whether Atkins' close relationship with crypto clients would affect its stance on crypto regulation, and questioned whether it had directly advised former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried. Atkins is due to appear before the Senate Banking Committee for a nomination hearing on Thursday. Patomak Global Partners has not yet commented.