• 34ºc, Sunny

미국 민주당 지도자들은 바이든과 그의 선거 운동에 그들이 선거에서 이길 수 있다는 것을 증명할 것을 요구하고 있습니다.#} 미국 민주당 지도부는

Leaders of the Democratic Party of the United States have called on President Biden and his campaign to provide convincing evidence that he has a viable path to victory in the general election. It is reported that the current Democratic poll results in key states are still following the trend, and Democrats are increasingly worried that Biden will not be able to defeat Trump in November. According to reports, senior union leaders in the United States have also expressed serious concerns about Biden's candidacy. At a closed-door meeting held on the 10th, some union leaders said that doubts about Biden's presidential competence are undermining his candidacy, and repeatedly asked Biden's campaign team about its plan to defeat Trump. (CCTV News)