바이든은 트럼프와의 토론에서 실수를 인정하며 철회하지 않겠다고 강조했다.#} 조 바이든 대통령은 기자회견에서 "트럼프 대통령과의 토론에서 어리석
"I made a stupid mistake in the debate [with Mr. Trump] and my schedule has been very tight," President Joe Biden said at a news conference. "I said it would be better if I could control my pace more intelligently. I won't be traveling 15 time zones away before the next debate." Biden also stressed that he is the best person to defeat Trump, and there is no sign that he will not be able to complete the (campaign) task. Biden also praised Harris as qualified to be president, and if she did not have this qualification, she would not be elected as vice president.