• 34ºc, Sunny

마크 쿠바는 바이든에게 그레이 겐슬러 증권거래위원회 위원장을 해임할 것을 요청합니다.#} NBA 댈러스 매버릭스 소액주주이자 억만장자 마크 쿠바

NBA Dallas Mavericks minority shareholder and billionaire Mark Cuban discussed regulations and the Securities Exchange Commission's insistence that cryptocurrency exchanges register as trading platforms with regulators with top Biden advisers and cryptocurrency leaders, according to Fox Business, Cuban said: "You all have the right to quote me, Biden should fire Gray Gensler" (Note: Gray Gensler is the current chairperson of the Securities Exchange Commission). However, as of now, Mark Cuban and the Securities Exchange Commission did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the relevant remarks.