PEPE를 거래하여 3,000만 달러 이상을 벌고 있는 이 거대한 고래는 최근 363만 달러의 가치를 보유하고 있습니다.#} 6월 27일 이후
Lookonchain monitors that since June 27, address 0x3737 has bought 1,465 MKR ($3.63 million) at an average price of $2,476. 0x3737 previously bought 1,884 MKR ($2.18 million) at $1,157 and then sold it at $1,406, making a profit of about $468,000.
0X3737 also holds 3.58 trillion PEPE ($30.87 million) and makes more than $30 million by trading PEPE.