미국 검찰은 태국 가해자의 계좌에서 254만 USDT를 압류하기 위한 "로맨스 사기" 계획을 기소했습니다.#} 7월 17일 법무부(DOJ) 공식
On July 17, according to the official website of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the US Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia today announced the filing of a civil forfeiture lawsuit aimed at recovering cryptocurrencies seized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from overseas criminals. The cryptocurrencies originated from the "romance scam" program that specifically targeted US citizens for investment scams. The government specifically seeks to confiscate 2,546,415.01 USDT coins from two accounts controlled by a criminal in Thailand, currently valued at approximately $2,546,415.01.