미국의 3대 주가지수는 모두 1퍼센트 이상 상승했으며 다우지수는 주간 4회 연속 상승을 기록했습니다.#} 미국 주식은 상승세로 출발하여 상승세로
US stocks opened higher and walked higher, and the three major indexes collectively closed higher. The Dow rose 1.64%, up 0.75% this week, recording a weekly rise; the S & P 500 rose 1.11%, down 0.85% this week; the Nasdaq rose 1.03%, down 2.08% this week. Both the Nasdaq and the S & P 500 fell for two consecutive weeks. Most of the large technology stocks rose, Meta rose more than 2%, Microsoft and Amazon rose more than 1%, Apple, Nvidia, Intel rose slightly; Tesla, Google, Netflix fell slightly. 3M rose about 23%, its largest one-day gain since at least 1980.