전 미국 관리: Durov는 프랑스 대통령과 좋은 관계를 가졌고 정치적 사건을 조작한 혐의로 체포되었습니다. {#스푸트니크에 따르면 전 CIA
"Telegram is one of the few channels that actually allows information critical of western policy to continue to spread," said Larry Johnson, a former CIA analyst, according to Sputnik. "I think that's really the root of the problem."
The analyst called the charges against Durov a "trumped-up political case", suggesting they were aimed at intimidating the tech entrepreneur. "There was a time when he was considered friendly with French President Macron," Johnson added. "But that is clearly behind us, because without Macron's knowledge and approval, such an arrest would not have happened."