상하이 쉬후이 구에서는 2022년부터 45명이 참여한 가상화폐 관련 형사사건 23건을 처리했다.#} 8월 30일, 급증하는 보도에 따르면, 8월
On August 30, according to the surging coverage, on August 29, the People's Procuratorate of Xuhui District, Shanghai issued a notice on virtual currency-related crimes. Since 2022, the hospital has handled 23 criminal cases involving virtual currency of 45 people, and the number of cases accepted has been on the rise for three consecutive years. At the same time, the relevant cases show the characteristics of complicated crime methods, technical specialization and concealment, and high crime amounts. In the established cases, the average illegal income of criminals is more than 1 million yuan, and in some cases, the illegal income of criminals is more than 5 million yuan.