• 34ºc, Sunny

머스크는 밈을 비판하며 "카지노"와 닮았다고 말하며 자신의 저축을 투자하지 말라고 경고했습니다.#} Degen News에 따르면 Musk는 Jo

According to Degen News, Musk harshly criticized Meme in his latest podcast on Joe Rogan Experience, calling it something like a "casino" and warning market participants not to put their life savings into Meme. At the same time, Musk also talked about Dogecoin, adding that Dogecoin was originally a Meme coin, but more like a joke cryptocurrency (involving Meme and dogs). Joe Rogan thinks the Meme craze is too crazy, especially when people put real money into it.