• 34ºc, Sunny

엘살바도르는 지난 이틀 동안 6개의 비트코인 보유량을 늘렸고 평균 가격은 82,308달러였습니다.#}엘살바도르 재무부 홈페이지에 따르면 엘살바도

According to the website of the Ministry of Finance of El Salvador, El Salvador has increased its holdings of 6 bitcoins in the past two days, with an average price of 82,308 US dollars. Its current holdings of bitcoin amount to 6,112.18, with a total value of 491.60 million US dollars. Despite pressure from the international monetary fund (IMF) to stop accumulating decentralized store of value assets, El Salvador has increased its holdings of 41 bitcoins in the past 30 days.