비트팜은 10월 29일 임시 주주총회를 열어 라이엇의 인수 시도에 대응해 이사회 개편을 의결할 예정이다.#}비트코인 채굴업체 비트팜이 2024년
Bitcoin mining company Bitfarms has officially confirmed that it will hold an extraordinary meeting of shareholders on October 29, 2024. This move is in response to a request for a meeting made by Riot Platforms on June 24. Bitfarms' Friday announcement states that all shareholders of record on the September 26, 2024 record date are entitled to vote, but no additional action is required at this time. Bitfarms said that a special committee of independent directors of the board, assisted by financial and legal advisors, reviewed the meeting request and unanimously determined the meeting and record date.